Remember Denny from Grey's anatomy. Well he had machine called an LVAD, which stands for left ventricle assist device. he had the machine because his heart could nto pump effectively, and had this while waiting for a new heart. for all of those who wonder if my work is like grey's anatomy for the past week and a half it has been like grey's anatomy because i had a patient with this machine. it is pretty cool because there is a motor that helps to pump blood from the left ventricle through a tube and is inserted in the aorta. it is also scary because if any wires were to be disconnected then the motor would stop running, thus the heart would stop pumping blood. yeah, pretty scary, but amazing at the same time. so anyways, that is one of my patients. so i guess i do feel like grey's anatomy for part of this moment, except i will be a responsible nurse and not cut the wire.
Japan 2024 (again) Day 17
2 months ago
Are you going to fall in love with your patient like on Grey's?
Are you loving your job?
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